DIY labels sticker ৷ Pernah tak nampak kat jar yang dah siap tulis "Flour" atau "sugar" Ha today AD nak tunjukkan caranmudah macam mana nak buat sticker untuk jar.
- Caranya senang je, anda senaraikan balang yang anda ada.
- Pilih jenis fonts
- Gunting dan tampalkan diatas clear masking tape
- Basahkan sedikit dengan air untuk menghilangkan background kertas (kita nak tulisan sahaja)
- Dan tampal ke atas jar.
Well honestly..I have been through teenage phase. All the ups and downs..visiting her blog sometimes reminds me how far have I been..how strong I am now..and her blog also inspire me bout journey. Travel..that makes me keen to come back to visit her blog from time to time and as a blogger friend I also want to know her life..be there to support her. that's what friend do. Although we just friend in virtual world.
I never read she post about recipe that she cook,,hahah perhaps she can do a post about recipe..(i know its not her blog niche) but its kinda fun when thinking about it..hahaha..anyway..all the best sis.
Bahan A (kisar)
- serai ( 2batang)
- bawang kecil (5 ulas)
- bawang besar (1 biji)
- bawang putih (4 ulas)
- halia (3 inci) Bahan B
- ayam 1 ekor
- cili boh ( 3 sudu)
- kerisik ( 2 sudu)
- santan kotak (250ml)
- sedikit air
- asam keping (3 keping)
- sedikit kunyit serbuk ( optional) Cara-caranya: 🐤Tuang sedikit minyak, dan masukkan bahan kisar ke dalam kuali. 🐤Masukkan cili boh dan ayam dahulu, renehkan sebentar kemudian masukkan sedikit serbuk kunyit. 🐤Setelah menggelegak masukkan santan kotak, sedikit air dan asam keping. 🐤renehkan lagi dalam api yang kecil,masukkan bahan perasa(garam dan gula)serta kerisik dan teruskan mereneh sehingga betul betul masak
Hogoh de Coco@ TEMERLOH 𐌠 Ada orang Pahang tak kat sini?sep sket! yeah AD orang pahang, lagi tepat di Temerloh..yea ah koi orang temerloh, bandar ikan patin, aok orang mane? ececehh..keluar dah lograt pahang. Arini AD nak share sket minuman air kelapa yang best selain coconut shake..haa jangan igt melaka je famous dengan air kelapa, pahang pon ada juga tau. Hogoh de coco nama diberi..tak tanya pula maksud nama macam tu tapi kalau ikut lograt pahang, hogoh tu lebih kurang macam goncangkan, jadi mungkin maksudnya goncangkan kelapa?
Hogoh de coco ni ada banyak cawangan. Ada di paya pulai, ada juga di kuantan. AD pergi di temerloh ni berhadapan dengan plaza temerloh. Untuk lokasi yang lebih tepat disini:
Jalan Dato' Abu Samah, Taman Kenangan, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang
Dibuka mulai jam 10 pagi tetapi hanya drive thru sahaja, tak boleh lepak. Berbagai menu boleh dicuba tapi bergantung pada avaibility ketika itu. Masa AD pergi ramai orang, banyak flovor yang dah habis..jadi terpaksa la ambik apa yang ada sahaja.Semasa beratur, penjarakkan social jgn dilupakan tau, walaupun orang lain endah tak endah je, tapi AD still nak jarakkan diri daripada mereka. Mencegah kan lebih baik daripada merawat.
Cantik bukan hiasan dalaman, berkonsepkan loft (kalau tak silap la 😆) Sebenarnya ruangkan kedai ni amat terhad, hanya satu kerusi menunggu di luar dan ruangan kerja dibelakang. Muat la untuk 3 orang pada satu satu masa. Mungkin disebabkan itu ianya dijadikan drive thru section, tetapi jika anda masih berdegil dan mahukan ruang untuk minum, di cadangkan untuk minum di Hogoh de Coco paya pulai.
Sausage roll for kids ୲ Hye peeps! Today I want to share easy and quick menu for kids. Estimate time around 10 to 15 minutes to finish it.
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes
- Take 1 slice of bread and rolled it until it become really thin. (You may cut the crust if your child don't like it)
- after that put cheese and sausage
- Then roll it and cut into 4 pieces
- dip it into egg and then dip it again into bread crumbs
- lastly cook it around 5 minutes.

Clip mask extender 𐌠 Since the new norm mewajibkan kita untuk memakai mask ketika berada di luar rumah, and kita para wanita especially yang bertudung mengalami kesukaran untuk memakai mask. Namun tiada lagi masalah tersebut dengan menggunakan mask extender. Tidak dinafikan berbagai jenis mask extender boleh dibeli mengikut citarasa anda semua. Hari ini, AD nak cerita mask extender yang AD gunakan. Extender ni AD beli dengan harga RM5 untuk 3pcs. Kalau nak beli satu pon boleh. Satu harganya RM2. Alang-alang beli so AD beli 3 terus la..boleh letak dalam kereta sekali just incase kalau hilang dah ade spare dalam kereta.
ingin tahu lebih lanjut dan melihat barangan yang dijual, anda boleh klik link ini https://shopee.com.my/suegeesuzie
Mystery box ⎸ I got this box from kak sha. Eh! how!why? it's book swapping..wanna know more bout it? you can read it HERE. Kak Sha suka membaca, antara bahan bacaan beliau psychical book and ebooks. Tengok sajalah reading goals beliau di goodreads, rasanya AD masih jauh lagi..tak mampu nak habis baca beratus buku dalam masa setahun..hahaha.

" nak tanya sikit, kne letak colgate je ke?kalau letak darlie tak boleh ke?" Sengal!🤪
Give a book, get a book ⎸ It all begin when I'm blog walking to Ika's blog and kinda interested with one of her post regarding the book exchange. You give a book and you get a book. How cool is that!
Book swapping or book exchange is the practice of a swap of books between one person and another.
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Official community banner |
I have been experience in taking part once. You can read my post HERE. By the time it was organized by my school. For those who recently follow my blog, I'm working in international school. So we kinda support things like this.Encourage them to read more and I'm thinking why not we try to promote reading through this kind of campaign using blog as a platform.
Exchange your used books for new read. It can help you get a shot at better learning. Personally for me, it is a good practice, we can save environment. It makes me sad when seeing people throwing stuff that still in a good condition. Not only books, like surgical mask. If we do basic calculating here, if you throw minimum 2 pieces for a day, a week you waste 14 pieces of mask that for one person how bout the rest of your family?That's why I'm using cloth mask as alternative to saving mother earth. We can save earth and at same time we can save money too.
Okay the pictures shown that my box that i already sent it to kak sha ( You can read about it HERE) and Ika.(you can read it HERE)They sharing same theme but little bit different design. Honestly, I love to decorate stuff, making surprise to others,especially surprise party. This time I choose Zombie theme. Let me tell you the important thing that/ THE ONLY RULE you must put when sending the box is BOOK/S. Meanwhile the extra stuff that you want to give depends on your generosity.
Remember the title, Give a book,get a book. Once you give a book you definitely get a book for return. It not necessarily english book, could be malay book. Depends on your agreement between a partner that you want to do a book exchange. So like me, I want to give away my malay books, so I snap picture and sent it to my exchange partner. She will choose what book that she like from my collections of books. Then she will do the same things to me. She will snap a picture or can give the available title that she wants to let go then I will choose if any of the books that she have I'm interested with. Easy right.
So if you interested to do book swap with me, do DM me at IG https://www.instagram.com/anakdenesor/, or email me at nurul_inc@yahoo.com
- tepung gandum 1 cawan
- air 1 cawan
- telur 1 biji
Panaskan kuali anda, AD tak letak minyak pon di kuali. Setelah kuali panas tuangkan satu senduk adunan tadi dan tunggu sehingga masak angkat dan gulungkan selepas sedikit sejuk.😃 Sesuai dimakan sewaktu sarapan dan di waktu petang. Dicicah dengan sambal sardin atau sambal ikan bilis. Selamat mencuba!

23-G Jalan Anggerik Vanilla, BF31/BF, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor

Basically anda perlu beratur, pilih berapa scoop anda mahu dan bgtau juga perisa apa anda mahu.

Why are you single?
What I loved about this book, and what made me laugh over and over, is the reminder of how nutty we get at a certain age when we haven't married. I do know that married folk have some crisis identity in their life. What if my kids do not need me anymore? What to do if my kids going to collage? But I'm single, so I can't relate to any of that. What I DO relate to is a group of somewhat maniacal women who have been single adults for somewhere around 20 years, and are now faced with the very real possibility that this is it, no prince charming is coming for them.
Second the idea of being single forever is rolling around in our heads. Maybe we're fine addressing this directly and openly or maybe not. Either way it's there and I believe we will find the true of ourselves.
"But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry. And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry. And every time you walk out, the less I love you. Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true."
7 stages of grief ⎸ Fall in love with someone is the best feelings ever but to deal with the grief losing someone that you love is never been easy. Same goes with the death of a loved one, job loss,losing a close friend, all these can leave you brokenhearted which make you feel the world will never be the same again. There are 7 stages of grief based on modified Kubler Ross model. Honestly, i have been go through all these phases. Its hard, you will think that you will die if you live without the loved one, but hey! look at you now, still alive and
Roses are dead,Violets are dying, Outside I’m smiling, Inside I’m crying
Final realization of the inevitable.
Seeking realistic solution.
As you start to adjust to life with your loss, your life become a little calmer and more organized. You become more functional and your mind starts working again. You will find yourself seeking realistic solution to problem posed.
Finally finding the way forward.
In the last stage you learn to accept and deal with the reality of your situation. Acceptance does not necessarily mean happiness but you will find a way forward.