Sausage roll for kids ୲ Hye peeps! Today I want to share easy and quick menu for kids. Estimate time around 10 to 15 minutes to finish it.
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes
Egg - 1
Bread crumbs
- Take 1 slice of bread and rolled it until it become really thin. (You may cut the crust if your child don't like it)
- after that put cheese and sausage
- Then roll it and cut into 4 pieces
- dip it into egg and then dip it again into bread crumbs
- lastly cook it around 5 minutes.

easy and fun recipe to try. 😉
senangnya nak buat rupanyaaaa
BalasPadamaah senang ja..bahan nak dapat pon senang
Padamfavourite anak2 ni!
BalasPadamsenang nak buat kan..
PadamEasy. Yes kids love sausages and cheese.
BalasPadamada cheese semua jadi best
PadamIni bukan anak je makan, dengan maknua sekali baham. Haha
BalasPadamkan! semua makan sekali..hahah mak mak pon join sekali
Padammenarik! blh try buat kat ank jgk ni
BalasPadamselamat mencuba!
PadamThanks for your sharing 😊
BalasPadamthank you for reading
PadamPratik ve lezzetli görünüyor. Tarif için teşekkürler :)
Padamokuduğunuz için teşekkürler
Thanks for sharing nice blog!
BalasPadamThank you for reading
Padamdid the same yesterday for my kids..but without cheese. Anak ammi ni tekak kampung sikit kadang2...benda2 yg ada cheese kang makan sikit pastu takmo dah.
BalasPadambtw..header awak nakal... i tak mereng hokayyyy..i miong je kengkadang ahaksss
saya pon x minat sangat cheese ni..masin hahahah..
Padamawww saya sgt nakall hahahamiong eh sis..boleh buat tagline tuh hahaha
Sedap ni. Sekali hadap habis. Nak membuatnya ambil masa, sekali ngap sekejapan je habis :)
BalasPadamtu la..sekali hadap je licin terus
PadamWah, nampak comel dan menyelerakan