Title: Be Prepared
Author: Vera Brosgol
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781626724457
"Beautifully drawn, brutally funny, brilliantly honest. Vera is such a good cartoonist I almost can’t stand it.” ―Raina Telgemeier, author of Smile
In Be Prepared, all Vera wants to do is fit in―but that’s not easy for a Russian girl in the suburbs. Her friends live in fancy houses and their parents can afford to send them to the best summer camps. Vera’s single mother can’t afford that sort of luxury, but there's one summer camp in her price range―Russian summer camp.
Vera is sure she's found the one place she can fit in, but camp is far from what she imagined. And nothing could prepare her for all the "cool girl" drama, endless Russian history lessons, and outhouses straight out of nightmares!

I like to read materials that been written by this author. She have unique and her own style. I have read her another book, you can read it HERE. This graphic novel based on her experiences in childhood (some of it) because she barely can remember that, but at the end of the book she put a real letter that she and her younger brother wrote to her mom..aww that part really touch my heart.
This is a story about 9 years old kid who have difficulty to mix with others because of she from russian-american. She's really struggle to fit in with popular crowd or to be exactly any crowd at all. Her family is poor and they have like some kind of tradition about food and that will be enough for her. There is one time when she invites everyone for her birthday sleepover and all her friends from rich family, they brought gift that's expensive but it not turn out well. Oh! i felt bad for Vera that night..
Vera try everything that she could to fit in with her friends until one day she knows about summer camp for Russian. She's soo excited since she never been to summer camp before at a same time she's so desperately wants to fit in because she thinks if she could not fit into the normal crowd at least she could fit into her russian culture. This is the journey how Vera survive at the camp.
This book telling about decision. One bad decision could effect your friendship. I like the illustrations of the book that cute and easy to read..until now i still adore about Vera's character that's innocent yet cute. I hope it have sequel to this book because it kinda hanging there.
the illustrations are easy to read thats correct, unlike japanese manga.. i am so confuse bc its too messy hahaha
BalasPadammesti menarik sgt citernya tu
BalasPadamThanks for your sharing 😊 have a lovely day 😊
BalasPadamMenarik untuk dibaca..lagi2 komik version mcm tu..saya pun suka layan.
BalasPadamSounds good! :) Apa kaitan angka 10 dengan anda? Saya ada buat segmen. Jemput join.. http://www.aimisyahirah.com/2020/10/segmen-10-blogger-terpantas-by-misya.html If tak dapat jadi yang terpantas masih ada peluang dapat hadiah misteri. :)
BalasPadamcute je drawing komik tu :)
BalasPadamcomel je nampaknya
BalasPadamNampak menarik
BalasPadamThe cartoon is so cute 😍
BalasPadamso interesting
BalasPadamI think it is a graphic novel full of values, thank you for sharing us your opinion.💙
BalasPadamwow! I love the cartoon. So cute! Can't take my eyes off.
BalasPadamLucky if I can draw the cute character too.
Comelnya kartun dia.. cerita dia pun nice..