Telegram link for desktop ꘡ AD suka gunakan telegram and recently just discovered link untuk desktop tanpa perlu install di desktop. Lebih kurang macam whatsapp web la ha gituw. Jom AD tunjukkan cara macam mana nak access telegram thru desktop.
First go to this website
Then choose country. It will change the code automatically. Fill in your phone number and they will sent the code to your phone. After that key in the code then you can use it from your desktop. Easy and convenient, and don't forget to log out once done using it.
When things don't go our way remember to never lose hope. The future is unknown and instead of feeling fear of the unknown, try to embrace it - google

Jimmie is a young girl that always have a notebook whenever she goes. A family tree notebook but sadly, she doesn't know how to read. Until one day Jimmie met Subhi through the fences divided between detention camp. I like it when Jimmie improvise the Morse code and turn it into a code that only both of them understand. They will be for each other when they are needed most. A plot twist at the ending will shock you guys. Through the last 50 pages, plenty of issues rises. I can't put this book down. It was a mixed feeling. Nervous, excited, sad and broken heart all mixed.
A story about friendship and hope.
It broke my heart when knowing that people at detention camp will be taken everything from them, for example, hearing aid and fake foot for those who misfortune. But one thing that I adore from this story that they never lose hope.
"We are innocent. Please help us to be free. We can't live without hope".
Hundreds and thousands of refugees are detained in Europe every year, and they are treated like criminals. When will this situation ever stop forever?
Kali ni giliran AD untuk menyertai GA pulak..mana tau rezeki..insyaalllah..aminn..jom reramai join juga..klik je kat banner tu yea